ROM VER: 1¦ ROM VER: 1.1.4 CFG 01 VRX family DDR Access auto data-eye tuning Rev 0.1a DDR check ok... start booting... ======================================================================= ISDN Terminal Adaptor GR9 Loader v1.01.001 build Apr 2 2014 19:24:45 Arcadyan Technology Corporation ======================================================================= A2x VR9, 0xbf106a10 : 78 0xbf106a11 : 0 0xbf106a0c : 88 MXIC MX29LV640EB bottom boot 16-bit mode found Copying boot params.....DONE Get Primary to 1..... Flash Checking Passed. Unzipping firmware at 0x80002000 ... with AREA[3][ZIP 3] [ZIP Extra] [ZIP 1] source:816f0011 done Ready to run firmware In c_entry() function ... install_exception Co config = 80048483 sys_irq_init ... VR9 is A21 chip !!!!, ifx_bsp_basic_mps_decrypt bf001f38 0xbf106a10 : 78 0xbf106a11 : 0 0xbf106a0c : 88 ##### _ftext = 0x80002000 ##### _fdata = 0x805D9850 ##### __bss_start = 0x8066CA60 ##### end = 0x8306BC50 allocate_memory_after_end: alloc from 83073C50 to 83106E70, length=602640 ##### Backup Data from 0x805D9850 to 0x83073C50~0x83106E60 len 602640 ##### Backup Data completed ##### Backup Data verified [GPIO FLOW] SetGpio() Begin .. PLL1 locked..fails 0. ifx_gpio_init() !!! ifx_gpio_pre_init() !!! [KERN_INFO]IFX GPIO driver, version 1.2.10, (c)2009 Infineon Technologies AG Register LED MODULE OK!! Register BUTTON MODULE OK!! [GPIO FLOW] SetGpio() End. [INIT] System Log Pool startup ... [INIT] MTinitialize .. CPU Clock 500000000 Hz mips_counter_frequency:250000000 r4k_offset: 0x0003d090(250000) init_US_counter : time1 = 34 , time2 = 225067, diff 225033 US_counter = 112 set to constant US_counter = 112 cnt1 2040034 cnt2 2042615, diff 2581 cnt1 2886378 cnt2 2888183, diff 1805 Runtime code version: 01012701.00.010 System startup... [INIT] Memory COLOR 0, 8242880 bytes .. [INIT] Memory COLOR 1, 2097152 bytes .. [INIT] Memory COLOR 2, 10906608 bytes .. InitCommSys: RESOURCE_BASE = 29, NUMRES = 640 InitCommSys: EVENT_BASE = 163, NUMEVT = 818 InitCommSys: MAILBOX_BASE = 6, NUMMBX = 64 rzMemory start: 0x8235A8E0, end 0x82576968, size 2211976 Build Day = 10.08.2017, 11:43 Uhr Version = 01012701.00.010 Version Type 'NORMAL' >>>>set_MP_pass_Magic to 5 MXIC MX29LV640EB bottom boot 16-bit mode found Set flash memory layout to FL2MacAddr=4C:09:D4:C8:95:44 Boot Parameters found !!! Bootcode version: v1.01.001 Serial number: J506295649 Hardware version: 01